Microalgae: high quality raw material with immense potential.
Composed of technicians and freelancers, companies that supply goods and services to the agricultural sector and stakeholders.
In short, experts in the sector who desire to take on new global challenges to meet the demands and needs of the consumer with great respect whilst also protecting the environment.
youleafy.com will represent a symbiotic community whose protagonists will not be egocentrics, nor people who love to remain in their comfort zone, but professionals looking for new stimuli to confidently take on new challenges, people who willingly wish to confront and transfer their knowledge to others for mutual and professional growth.

Dr. Orazio Mancino
Co- Founder
Agronomist is passionate about research and development, he works vigorously for his formation and his chief aim is to satisfy his customers. He is always searching for new challenges. In our world, copy or editing the results are terrible. He is the study director of Sele Agroresearch Srl.

Dr.ssa Annarita Grimaldi
Founder & Chief
Agronomist is an expert in certifications, she is meticulously precise at getting tasks done excellently. Concrete, hates shopping, travels for the best investments. Wife and mother of Giada and Greta.